Welcome to our contact page

Our missing persons emergency number:

0844 441 144

Also available for private persons. Searches are free of charge for the next of kin of the missing person. The Curena emergency call centre will look after you and forward your alert to our REDOG teams.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions.

Bank details

Postal transfer
PC account: 80-70388-0
IBAN CH88 0900 0000 8007 0388 0

Bank transfer
Postfinance AG, Bern
IBAN: CH88 0900 0000 8007 0388 0
Account no.: 80-70388-0

Account holder:
REDOG Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde
Bernapark 21, 3066 Stettlen

REDOG headquarter

  • Phone: +41 31 381 38 77 / Mo-Fr 8-12 am / 1:30-4:30 pm
  • Mail: officenoSpam@redog.noSpamch
  • Address: REDOG, Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde
    Bernapark 21, 3066 Stettlen