We search for people under rubble

REDOG’s search and rescue dogs are deployed when the earth shakes, rockslides thunder into valleys, whole cities are destroyed or houses collapse after explosions. Even today, a dog’s nose is still the most reliable detection device for quickly finding human scent over large areas and under rubble and ruins.

Our teams are requested following natural disasters or explosions. Most of our deployments abroad are with Swiss Rescue and the Turkish rescue organisation, GEA. In Switzerland, we closely cooperate with the deployment officers of the police or cantonal crisis committees.


REDOG search and rescue dogs are trained to localise people under ruins or rubble and to indicate their location by barking and standing still. They work independently with great stamina and will not be distracted from their mission – neither by a multitude of scents nor noise, people or food.


When REDOG receives an alert, a team manager (Detection Manager) plus a team consisting of a team leader and three dog teams are deployed. More teams are deployed if needed. The Technical Detection unit supports the teams.

Detection with cameras and listening devices under rubble

Detection with technical devices and location through dogs’ noses are a perfect match. Technical detection can be used in areas that are dangerous for the dogs. State-of-the-art technology helps to find people buried under rubble.

Depending on the type and size of the damaged area, technical detection devices are used as well as the dogs, or specifically due to a dog’s localisation. They can confirm the rescue dog's indication and find out even more details.

The dog indicates the spot where the scent emerges. In an ideal scenario, cameras and microphones are used to create visual and audio contact and listening devices detect a victim’s attempt to make contact by knocking.

Detection devices are also used during rescue, such as to evaluate the position of the rubble or to make contact with the victim.

Corpse search dogs locate dead persons

REDOG’s corpse search dogs are trained to locate the scent of dead persons under rubble an in water.

The location of dead persons is of great importance for family and friends of the victim. Although it is terrible to find a person after they have died, at least there is the knowledge that a loved one will not remain buried under the rubble.

Corpse search dogs are deployed after natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides as well as building collapses.

We also train our dogs to search for water corpses.