Donations instead of gifts

From birthday, wedding and confirmation to Christmas... are you looking forward to celebrating with your loved ones and want to do good for others who are missing their nearest and dearest? Then why not ask your guests to make a donation to REDOG? That way, you help twice: You collect money for missing person searches and at the same time tell your friends about our work.

  • You can state this already in your invitations. Please add REDOG’s bank account details below and a reference that relates to the event. For example: “Wedding name/name.”
  • You can also collect the money and transfer the total amount to us.
  • Please notify is by email or phone of the details of the event so that we can thank you and send you a list of benefactors.



You can send a donation through online banking Online donation

Or you can use Postfinance

IBAN: CH88 0900 0000 8007 0388 0
Account no.: 80-70388-0

Account holder:
REDOG Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde
Bernapark 21, 3066 Stettlen


Sabine Bähler
T +41 31 381 38 77
